Streamlining JIRA Instance: How to Extract Commercial Add-Ons


Today I had to update a zillion licenses of commercial add-ons in different instances. As being a lazy consultant who likes to use a command line instead of a mouse, I decided to check if I could use the UPM REST API to extract the information.

Ingredients for this recipe are a computer capable of running unix commands, curl (which is pretty standard on most unix distributions), and jq

Script :

# <baseurl> <userid> <passwd>
# use curl to retrieve all the addons from the UPM on the JIRA
# use jq to select only the addons which have properties .userInstalled and .usesLicensing
# for each result, access the UPM again to retrieve the license information
# and retrieve information using jq
curl -s --user $USERID:$PASSWD $BASEURL/rest/plugins/1.0/ | jq -r '.plugins | map(select(.userInstalled)) | map(select(.usesLicensing)) | .[] | (.key) ' |
while read -r line ; do
    curl -s --user $USERID:$PASSWD $BASEURL/rest/plugins/1.0/$line-key/license | jq -r '"(.pluginKey):(.contactEmail):(.supportEntitlementNumber):(.evaluation):(.maintenanceExpiryDateString)"'

How to use :

1. Create the script.

2. Execute the script.  Note that you need to use an account with administrator access.

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We hope this script will simplify your use of the tool. If you need any support, please contact us.


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